🗂️Discord Bot Setup (Free)
Use this if setting up the bot with the free features. The previous page talks of how to setup the premium features
Last updated
Use this if setting up the bot with the free features. The previous page talks of how to setup the premium features
Last updated
Go to https://apps.soldecoder.app/bots to invite the bot to your server
Once it is invited, add the bot to your chat channel you want to speak to it in. Give it view and send messages permission
By default each person will get 15 free messages per day (more if they are a SOL Decoder holder). Follow the below steps if you want your users to get more messages per day
In your Discord, run /ai_setup
To unlock more messages per day, you'll need to enter an OpenAI key and pay for each message the bot replies to. On average a Discord sending 100s of messages a day costs < 2 cents per day
Get your OpenAI key from - https://platform.openai.com
More directions for this are in Creating An OpenAI Account
Press Continue And Paste your OpenAI Key
Copy the announcement and paste it to your users to teach them about the tool
Click the "Configure Live Chat Channel" and follow those directions
Note these are only the free features you've enabled. Read through Discord Bot Setup (Premium) to see the premium features (listed below):
many other things in the future, can read more on the next page